Jordan Joubert is a deeply religious person and he gives the credit for the six distinctions he earned in the 2024 Matric exams to Jesus.
“He makes all things possible, but of course I also had to do my bit, which was to work as hard as I could throughout the year,” he said.
A turning point in his academic career, he believes was when he changed from Core Maths to Maths Literacy. “I was struggling with Maths, and putting so much into it that my other subjects suffered, When I accepted that my strength was in the languages and humanities I never looked back.”
Jordan was very involved in the school’s public speaking programme. It was time-consuming he said, but it helped greatly. “It was a distraction, but a good one. I had something else to focus on.” Jordan thanked the teachers who were involved in that side of the school: Mr Thurtwell, Ms Holland and Ms Dickinson, for helping him find the necessary balance.
“I was also in Tsessebe House, which was good for me. Having other matrics around motivated me and seeing other boys hard at work forced me to do the same.”
As for 2025, Jordan is starting off with a six month rugby course at the Stellenbosch Academy of Sport. “Rugby has always been very important to me and I didn’t achieve all that I wanted to at school. So, I’m going there to give it another go, and then I’ll take it from there.”