Jeppe High School for Boys

Jeppe Boys,
Admissions process

Step One

Complete and submit expression of interest form

Complete the expression of interest forms in full and submit them to the school during the submission times of Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 12:00.

Step Two

Register with the Gauteng Department of Education

As per GDE Legislation all learners entering Grade 8 are required to register and apply online on the GDE Admissions Portal to be considered to be placed at Jeppe High School for Boys.

This site will go live on Thursday 15 June at 08:00 and close on Friday, 14 July at 00:00 (midnight).

Step Three

SMS Confirmation

You will receive an SMS via the GDE Admissions Portal indicating whether your son has been offered a placement at Jeppe High School for Boys. 

You will be required to accept this offer to ensure his placement.

School and boarding Fees

Please note

  • Withdrawal from school for day boys requires at least a calendar month’s WRITTEN notice.

  • Parents are liable for the full year’s hostel fees for Grade 8 and 12 learners notwithstanding any decision

    to withdraw your son from the boarding establishment at any time during the year.

  • Withdrawal from the hostel for Grade 9-11 requires two full TERMS’ WRITTEN notice

Sports and Culture

Extra-curricular activities are part of the learning process at Jeppe. Boys are expected to be dedicated and committed, to give of their best, without making winning competitions their only aim in competing.


Boarding has been a vital part of the Jeppe community for over a century. The Boarding Houses provide a safe and nurturing environment, a home from home in which boys are supported to reach their full potential.

Academic offering

Academic performance is at the centre of all that we do at Jeppe. Boys are expected to give full effort in all that they do, but academic activities will always take precedence.

Pastoral Care

Jeppe has a system of houses, tutors and a school-based support team, all aimed at taking the whole boy into account and ensuring that they have many places to go for support, guidance and help.