Afrikaans as a First Additional Language helps learners to appreciate our new dynamic and diverse country. They get an in-depth look into a culture that plays a fundamental role in the heritage and future of our country. Afrikaans is the second most spoken language in South Africa and is the mother tongue of many different communities.
Mathew Posa, a former Premier of Mpumulanga and a speaker of nine official languages writes his poetry exclusively in Afrikaans – his mother tongue. Adam Small, Peter Snyders and Vincent Oliphant are examples of the ability of Afrikaans to speak deeply to poets and people and inspire them to use the language as their medium in portraying deep emotions and feelings. Afrikaans is the beloved ‘taal’ (language) of many people in our country. To quote Vincent Oliphant, “want een lyn van bloed loop deur die eeue, loop deur die ganse geskiedenis, loopdeur elke uithoek van die land, loop deur my en loop deur jou van Genesis tot nou”.