Jeppe High School for Boys

Pastoral Care

At Jeppe High School for Boys, we understand that student wellbeing is crucial to their academic and personal success. Our school is committed to creating a safe and supportive environment where boys can thrive and reach their full potential.

The importance of Community

It takes a Village to Raise a child

The African proverb, ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ could certainly be seen to be at the centre of the pastoral care ideology at Jeppe High School for Boys, although in truth it may just be a little incomplete. It takes a village to raise a child… a united community working together, despite sometimes disagreeing, but united always in the best interest of each child.

Pastoral Care: Ensuring Open Doors for Every Jeppe Young Man

Pastoral Care aims to take the whole boy into account and to ensure that all young men at Jeppe have as many doors open to them, to which they can turn, when they need them – for support, for guidance and for help – at any time.

Developing the Best in Every Jeppe Boy: Opportunities, Role Models, and Boundaries

We are intentional about creating opportunities, providing role models and the necessary boundaries to help our young men mould their best selves; through challenges, relative success, difficulties etc.

House System

Fostering Continuity and Meaningful Relationships

Jeppe boys are all a part of one of eight Houses (five day-houses and three boarding houses) and will spend each morning with a tutor group which includes a vertical cross-section of boys from their House. These ‘Home Room’ style groups ensure continuity through the years for each boy and encourage meaningful relationships with their tutor, Housemaster and those in the group, boys of all ages.

Relationships and Their Importance in Learning and Growing

Learning and growing within the world, we believe, is all about relationships. From disciplinary issues to achieving one’s best in the classroom or on the sports field, the quality of our relationships and our ability to connect with people is often central to being our best selves and whether or not we feel safe, valued, responsible and invested.

The Role of Housemasters in Your Son’s School Life

First and foremost, the eight Housemasters will be your son’s central point of their school lives. Experienced, caring and professional educators – along with a team of tutors – each House has a different feeling and identity but are united in the wonderful work that they get to do, growing and caring for young men.

Supporting the House System: Grade Structure, School-Based Support Team, and Student Leadership Bodies

The House System is also supported by our strong Grade structure, integrated with a School-Based Support Team (the school’s counselling department) and bolstered by our wonderful student leadership bodies; the school Prefects and the Representative Council of Learners.

Prioritising Character, Values, and Development of Future Fathers, Partners, and World Citizens.

At Jeppe High School for Boys we fundamentally believe in boys and we know boys. We understand, too, that it is part of learning to make mistakes, to challenge and to get it wrong, yet we will never lower our expectations of young men… but we will understand that they are ‘great people in training’. We choose to prioritise a simple idea of ‘What really matters’ and focus on the character, the values and development of future fathers, partners and world citizens.
