Jeppe High School for Boys

Great turnout at our Jeppe Moms breakfast

Great turnout at our Jeppe Moms breakfast

We were blown away by the wonderful turnout of ladies at our Jeppe moms breakfast in May. We werethrilled that we got an opportunity to care for the beautiful moms of Jeppe in such a special way.

Our sponsorship partner, Teljoy, was fully on board as they spoilt the moms with chocolates and a raffle as well as warm and cool drink and some eats.

Jonathan Hurvitz, old boy and CEO of Teljoy, told part of his Jeppe story and thanked the moms for all of their ‘behind-the-scenes work that often gets unnoticed – something he only learned to fully appreciate once he became a parent.

We are hoping to repeat similar events in the future as we celebrate our Jeppe community as a whole.

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