Jeppe High School for Boys

Jeppe’s Human Rights Day celebrations

Jeppe’s Human Rights Day celebrations

Human Rights Day in South Africa is historically linked with 21 March 1960, and the pass law protests in Sharpeville. The day marked an affirmation by ordinary people, rising in unison to proclaim their rights. We now celebrate 21 March as Human Rights Day.

On Monday March 18, the school marked the approach of Human Rights Day by listening to an eminent expert on the topic. Ms Selemeng Mokose, a judge in the High Court, Gauteng Division, specialises cases involving in refugees, asylum speakers and immigrants. She spoke to the school at a special assembly about human rights issues involving those groups.

There are boys at the school who are affected directly by these issues and every boy needs to know what the rights of those involved are, so that they can behave appropriately when called upon.

It was a fascinating talk and an appropriate way to mark the approach of very important date on the calendar.

Our Representative Council of Learners (RCL) decided to celebrate Human Rights Day through service. They focussed on the “Right to human dignity” – and collected clothing for a local children’s home. The drive ran from February 19 to March 19. The Salvation Army Enthabeni Children’s home in Doornfontein was chosen to receive the donations and the items were delivered to the home on March 20.

Thank you to everyone who supported them.

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