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Farewell Mr Murison

We say goodbye today to Mr Peter Murison, our Deputy Headmaster for the last five years. He is taking up a position in Shanghai, China, with the international Wellington College Group.

It’s an exciting prospect, he says, while acknowledging that it’s been difficult to leave Jeppe. “I’ve found out that it is possible to be eager to move on and yet be sad to be leaving at the same time,” he said.

There has, understandably, been quite a fuss made of his departure and Mr Murison says he’s a bit embarrassed by it all. “I’ve had so much fun being part of Jeppe, learnt so much and met so many amazing people, that it doesn’t seem right that I’m getting all the thanks that I am,” he said.

“Looking back, I am proud of some of the things that I have achieved, but I was given the opportunities and the guidance to do so. There is no doubt in my mind that I have received far more from Jeppe that I gave in my five years here.”

There are many people who need to thanked, according to Mr Murison. “Mr Jackson, the School Governing Body, my colleagues, and the Jeppe boys, have all been instrumental for me,” he said. “My relationship with the boys has been special. Our strength as a school is definitely our diversity.”

There is no doubt that the school will continue to improve and flourish, he believes. “It is time for me to move on and for the many amazing, highly-competent people at Jeppe to carry on the good work that the school does,” he said.

While he believes in the South African educational system and this country will always be his home, he goes to China keen to learn and improve. “I have no set plans for the future, I know I have a lot of learning and growing to do. I am open to see where the road takes me.”

Farewell and thank you Sir.

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